File Description : List of escape sequences Author : Stephen McNabb Creation Date : 15th February 1995 Last Updated : 15th Februray 1995 This is a list of the availble escape sequences that can be accessed using Cconout(). To use these sequences you must first output and escape character using Cconout() and then the appropriate characters. Example To clear the screen the following code would be used: move.w #27,-(sp) /escape character move.w #$2,-(sp) /use Cconout() function trap #1 /use gemdos addq.l #4,sp /tidy up stack move.w #'E',-(sp) /use Clear screen sequences move.w #$2,-(sp) /use Cconout() function trap #1 /use gemdos addq.l #4,sp /tidy up stack Character Action --------- ------ A Moves cursor up one line. If already at the top of the screen then it has no effect. B Moves cursor down one line. If already at the bottom of the screen then it has no effect. C Moves cursor one character to the right. If already at the right hand side of the screen then it has no effect. D Moves cursor one character to the left. If already at the left hand side of the screen then it has no effect. E Clears the screen and places the cursor at the top-left hand corner of the screen. H Places cursor at the top-left hand corner of the screen without clearing the screen. I Moves cursor up one line. If at the top of the screen then all other lines are scrolled down one line. J Erases all text from current cursor position to the end of the screen. K Erases all text from current cursor position to the end of the current line. L Inserts a new line, by scrolling all lines, below and including the current line the cursor is on, down one line. The cursor is positioned at the start of the new blank line. M Deletes the current line the cursor is on, scrolls all lines below it up one and inserts a blank line at the bottom. The cursor is positioned at the start of the current line. Y Positions cursor on screen. The following two values from Cconout() specify the row and column of the cursor. Values are single byte binary numbers and begin at 1. b Sets the foreground colour index of the text to be displayed. The following value from Cconout() specifies the colour index to be used. The four least significant bits of the value are used. c Sets the background colour index of the text to be displayed. The following value from Cconout() specifies the colour index to be used. The four least significant bits of the value are used. d Erases all text from the screen from the beginning of the screen to the current cursor position. e Makes the cursor visible, usually after using ESC 'f'. f Makes the cursor invisible. It can still be moved about the screen. j Saves the current cursor position. To be used with ESC 'k'. k Restores the cursor position that was saved using ESC 'j'. If the cursor position has not been saved then the cursor is placed at the top-left hand corner of the screen. l Erases the current line that the cursor is on. The lines below it are not scrolled up. The cursor is positioned at the start of the line. o Erase all the text from the start of the current line to the current cursor position on that line. p Enables reverse video text. The background and foreground colours are swapped. q Disables reverse video text. v Switches text wrap on. Characters written past the end of the line is displayed on the next line. w Switches text wrap off. Characters written past the end of the line are written over each other at the right hand side of the screen. *** End of File ***